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Discussions with Damaris

Movies - TV Shows - Music - Food - And More!

Damaris Chanza

March 2022 Rewind

Updated: May 27, 2022

Did you miss any of my blog posts this month? Don’t worry I’m always here to keep you caught up!

For Women’s History Month I focused on women-related topics that need to be highlighted more often. I also wanted to express the thoughts and struggles that I’ve faced as a woman. I wrote about choosing a career in art, my adventure to self-love, and advocating for my health. I even tried to break down my creative process. I discussed how women in media influenced me. I wrote a poem to celebrate the start of Spring and National Poetry Day. My favorite was when I celebrated the most important women of all, our mothers. Keep reading to find out more!

Choosing an Abstract Career Path

We've all heard the traditional way life is supposed to go. You finish high school, go to college, and start your career. Unfortunately, people never tell you the reality of what that means.

Female Characters as Role Models

Good female role models can be found in many places, but sometimes it’s a character that connects with you most. I want to bring attention to some female characters that helped guide me through life.

Celebrating The Women Who Raised Us

When celebrating Women's History Month, we often forget to celebrate the most important woman in our lives, our mothers.

Finding My Beauty

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but your eyes are the only ones that matter.

Defining My Creative Process

While scrolling on Instagram, I found a list of Netflix documentaries recommended for graphic designers. It claimed that these documentaries could help you become more creative. I was skeptical, but it was right, considering it inspired me to write this.

When Spring Arrives

Yesterday was the start of Spring and today is National Poetry Day. There’s only one way I can think to celebrate.

Rewatching Patsy & Loretta

During my internship with Jacqueline Cutler, we went to the movie premiere for Patsy & Loretta. It was an experience I will never forget.

Sharing My Medical Journey

I'm terrified of the doctor. Even as a grown woman, I do everything to go to the doctor as little as possible.

Now that you’re all caught up be sure to stay tuned to keep up with more discussions with me, Damaris!

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