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Discussions with Damaris

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  • Damaris Chanza

Making New Year's Resolutions

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

2022 is coming to an end, making it time for New Year's resolutions.

Everyone has heard the phrase "New Year, New Me," where people revel in all the changes they're going to make that will improve their lives. They vow about numerous things and then discover that the outcome is not what they intended, or they cannot make the commitment necessary to achieve their "New Me" status.

The phrase puts too much pressure on individuals to make radical changes that will transform them into something entirely different. It ultimately fights against the idea that "People don't change." Even with such a slim chance of accomplishing an unrealistic goal, New Year's resolutions hold a distinct purpose, giving us hope for the future.

It doesn't matter how unrealistic your resolution might be; a nihilistic view of the future is the actual dream killer. There are countless movies, tv shows, and books centered around the idea that hope conquers all, regardless of circumstances.

Last year when I reflected on 2021 and now reading it back, it was all about new beginnings. Most importantly, I started this blog and planned to continue spending time with people I love. Luckily, I have accomplished both of those things.

For me, 2022 was about new beginnings as well. I moved in with George and created a new normal for our lives. This blog has blossomed into something more successful than I had anticipated in such a short time.

For 2023, I would like to make two separate resolutions, a personal and a professional one.

In 2023 I hope to create more memories with George and Ellie. I want to create memories where we experiment with cooking different foods and learn new skills. I want to continue to eat dinner together every day after work, watch something, and talk about our day. I want to keep laughing together as we play with Ellie, watching her do silly things. I want the three of us to keep growing our lives together and starting new traditions as a family.

On a more professional note, I want to grow the blog's audience. I want to devote more time to the blog so that the posts are more polished and the images are cleaner and more thought out. For the blog, I aim to feature a more diverse array of artists with all different mediums who are passionate about their craft. I plan to advertise my freelance business more and create more profit from that endeavor.

Today, all those hopes feel so far, yet I'm already working towards most of those goals. Of course, I have more significant hopes that I would love to accomplish in 2023, but I prefer to hope for something feasible at this time and be pleasantly surprised if any of those bigger goals occur. These smaller goals are stepping stones to achieving my grander dreams.

While you and everyone you know are conjuring their New Year's resolutions and reflecting on that of last year, I urge you to remember that some goals take time. Remember that resolutions are about knowing your goals and hoping that your effort will make your dreams come true. It's not necessarily about "New Year, New Me," but "New Year, New Habits."

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