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Discussions with Damaris

Movies - TV Shows - Music - Food - And More!

August 2022 Rewind

Damaris Chanza

Did you miss any of my blog posts this month? Don't worry; I'm always here to keep you caught up!

August was a whirlwind of emotions. The month started on a high with a fantastic vacation and a trip to Disney. Unfortunately, when I made it back home, I had a terrible cold forcing me to skip writing the month's first post. Luckily, I healed enough to celebrate my birthday and catch up on my writing. I explained why I chose to use my platform to talk about media instead of something of greater importance. I reviewed the new series, The Bear, and Pixar's latest movie, Lightyear. Then the month turned again when my second vacation was abruptly canceled.

I'm glad to say the month ended on a high note when I attended a performance by this month's artist feature, Onlygotdope. He shared his business savvy, developing musical genre, and dreams he hopes to achieve. I even reminisced about living in a chaotic household filled with dogs when I made a list of great dog movies to watch in celebration of national dog day.

A Retelling of My Excellent Vacation to Florida

I may have come home sick, but that doesn't change that my vacation to Florida was fantastic.

Writing About Media Is Not As Frivolous As It May Seem

Many don't understand the importance or gravity of what I do. So, I thought I'd take some time to explain it.

FX on Hulu's The Bear Will Stress You Out in the Best Way

There is one word the internet uses to describe FX on Hulu's The Bear – stressful. Now, I know why.

Lightyear Was Amazing, But The Marketing Didn't Reflect That

Lightyear may not have done well at the box office, but that has everything to do with marketing and not the movie itself.

My Nonexistent Vacation to Puerto Rico

Disappointing is the best way to describe it, and even that doesn’t feel adequate.

Musical Artist and Businessman, Onlygotdope, Spreads Love With His Music and Events

I don't usually meet my featured artist, but I'm glad I was able to meet Onlygotdope and watch his excellent performance.

Fifteen Dog Movies to Celebrate National Dog Day

Today is national dog day, and other than giving your beloved dog a great big treat, celebrate by watching some fantastic dog movies.

Now that you’re all caught up be sure to stay tuned to keep up with more discussions with me, Damaris!

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